
What are the most beautiful theater halls in Brussels?

What are the most beautiful theater halls in Brussels?
Gaité Theater (c) Wikimedia Brussels author: EmDee

Updated January 18, 2023 by Pierre

Brussels East a cultural city par excellence. Both its inhabitants, expats and tourists have an impressive number of emblematic places that celebrate art. Among these, there is an impressive number of theaters in Brussels. The Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie, Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Théâtre de la Bourse,… Performing art has been present in the four corners of the Belgian capital, and has been for a long time.

This is the case of the Toone theatre, this former attic dating from 1696 still makes children smile today with puppets. Over time, some mythical theater halls have unfortunately left the Brussels stage. This is for example the case of Alhambra Theater. Fortunately, many other very pretty theaters continue to exist and delight the crowds from performance to performance.

If, for you, a beautiful theater is a theater with heavy red velvet curtains, baroque murals and balconies and breathtaking ceilings,… We have selected those that are worth a detour if you have never seen them . In addition to the La Monnaie opera house, here are four places that will transport you to another era. so here's the Brussels theaters which, in our opinion, have the most beautiful rooms in Brussels:

  1. Royal Theater of the Galleries
  2. Toone Royal Theater
  3. The KVS
  4. Martyrs' Theater

1. Royal Theater of the Galleries

Did you know that when this theater was renovated in 1951, it was Magritte  who painted the cloudy sky on the ceiling? If not, you should pay it a visit. This place has gone through a whole history. It has existed since 1847. It has always had the same vocation of advocating a theatrical activity and has remained faithful to its image as an entertainment theatre. Each year it welcomes more than 100 spectators!

Once inside, you will notice architecture inspired by the italian renaissance. You can't miss the red velvets ubiquitous as well as golden ornaments massively present in the to.

On the bill, mainly French-speaking pieces as well as conventional (Feydeau, Molière, Shakespeare, Pirandello, Agatha Christie …) but also contemporary French-speaking authors (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt et Anne-Marie Etienne).

It is in the Galeries Royale Saint-Hubert that you will find it.

📍 King's Gallery 32, 1000 Brussels


2. Toone Royal Theater

Here, no red velor or golden ornaments, just colorful cushions on the wooden benches. This theater exists since 1696 when this attic was born. And yet today it continues to exist. Mythical for young and old this Theater worth a visit. There are no popular actors here, but a puppet theater. Attention, behind a childish idea hides a theater for adults based on classics (Cyrano de Bergerac, Les Trois Mousquetaires…).

Wondering where the name “Toone” comes from? it is simply the name of the puppeteer who plays all the characters. Toon is historically always inducted by the previous Toone. He is helped by his 6 puppeteers who articulate the " puppets"

📍 Rue du Marché Aux Herbes 66, 1000 Brussels

Toone Royal Theater (c) Rama on Wikipedia
Toone Royal Theater (c) Rama on Wikipedia

3. Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (KVS)

The KVS was born in the middle of the 19th century. He was seen at the time as the symbol of Dutch-speaking theater in Brussels. The history of the KVS is dense and rather rich with its alternation of turbulent and fruitful passages.

In terms of architecture, the building is a successful example of the Flemish neo-Renaissance style. However, you will not be able to miss the evacuation system designed by the architect with imposing exterior balconies. These give the theater a rather unique look. The building plays with Art Nouveau and iron, glass. Do not miss to visit this building which mixes cultures, genres and generations.

Be careful, if you are chilly, take a sweater, the temperature in the room can be quite cold during the performance


KVS Theater in Brussels (c) Michel wal on Wikipedia
KVS Theater in Brussels (c) Michel wal on Wikipedia

📍 Wharf Pierres de Taille 7, 1000 Brussels

4. Theater of the Martyrs

Did you know that 466 revolutionaries who lost their lives fighting for independence from Belgium are buried in Place des Martyrs. It was at the Théâtre de La Monnaie itself that the revolution for the independence of Belgium began. The square is located in the center of Brussels, near the famous rue Neuve.

If you've never been, know that this theater is full of surprises. Behind one of the busiest shopping streets in Brussels, you can discover an 22th century neoclassical oasis. The Place de la Blanchisserie that surrounds it and the perfect symmetry of the white facades recalls the laundry where the sheets were dried. A little further on, at number 366 a modern theater with an expandable XNUMX-seat auditorium, a small studio and a café.
