Unusual and original bars in Brussels: Our TOP 5 2019

Unusual and original bars in Brussels: Our TOP 5 2019
the english pharmacy unusual bar brussels

Updated January 20, 2019 by pierre

The most unusual and original bars in Brussels

If you feel like you've exhausted your to-do-list of bars to explore in Brussels, know that there are some pretty original pearls you absolutely must try! Brussels is full of bars as original as they are strange. Few of the people of Brussels have made all these unusual bars! There are plenty of different places. From the bar in an old pharmacy, an old church, to the "cat bar", there is enough to spend very good times in Brussels. Do not hesitate to walk the streets of Brussels to discover these rather atypical and unusual bars.

#1. Unusual cocktail bar: La Pharmacie Anglaise (Brussels centre)

the English pharmacy unusual bar Brussels

If you are looking for an original and unusual place halfway between the grand place and the Royal Palace, take advantage of the moment to have one (or more) cocktails in an old pharmacy: the English pharmacy. Both the interior of the establishment and the cocktails overflowing with imagination and unusual things. You can, for example, sit comfortably and have a cocktail in the small anatomy room at the back of the pharmacy. You'll even feel like you're right in the middle of a movie set. Very nice! No beers here, but rather original and good cocktails/mocktails such as the "Don't touch my bed" and the "TikiBreakfast". Do not forget to book, here it is rather full. Be on time, your reservation is only held for 10 minutes if you are late. Rue Coudenberg 66.

#2. The Balmoral: a 60's bar made in the USA – Place Brugmann

le balmoral: unusual 60's bar in Brussels

For a long time, the Balmoral has been the place Brugmann's unmissable meeting place. Once inside, you'll feel like you've entered a 60's USA type bar straight out of a movie like "back to the future". The place is a perfect copy of the Hollywood decor: enamel plates with pink and green banquettes, betty boobs, and 60's music... In terms of cuisine, we obviously find the great classics made in the USA: cheesecake, milkshakes, hamburgers , bagels, club sandwiches, pancakes, brownies, etc… This place also has formulas brunch and breakfast. It's still the place to see and be seen! Place Georges Brugmann 21, 1050 Ixelles

3. The Coffin: Drinking from a coffin in a gothic location

the unusual bar coffin in Brussels

It was by chance that we pushed the door of the Coffin, the experience was interesting. The bar is as unusual as it is improbable: gothic decorations,  rock music, ony drinks on a coffin, garnished or not with a skeleton… By way of glass, a human skull. On the menu, an impressive beer list. The bartender has good advice, if you are looking for an atypical place to drink a cocktail near the main square of Brussels, you can go to the Cercueil. You can go in a group, or with older children.



Barely a foot in the Belgian capital, Pierre launches "InsideBrussels.be", the idea is simple: "What to do? Where to go eat or have a drink?" Entrepreneur at heart, this is not his first project! Far from there. Like wine, with time the project improves! Pierre does not hesitate to share his favorites and his best addresses of Brussels restaurants that he could recommend to you with his eyes closed.

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