Halal restaurants in Brussels

Updated March 28, 2022 by pierre

Eating Halal in Brussels

You want to eat halal in Brussels or know what halal is? It's easy!
Which is " halal " is what is considered “allowed” for Muslims. The word halal is opposed to what is "haram", forbidden.
Regarding meat, only sheep, cattle, goats, horses, rabbits and certain poultry can be considered halal. Under no circumstances can pork be considered halal.

In practice, what determines whether the meat will be halal or not is the method of slaughter which determines the halal quality of a product.

To be determined as halal, the slaughter of the animal must respect the ritual of "dhabiha".

In Brussels, several restaurants allow you to eat halal meat. Besides some snacks in the center of Brussels, you can eat halal and cheap.
InsideBrussels has unearthed the restaurants halal from Brussels.

Consult the list halal restaurants in Brussels

John Doe

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