Movember Brussels

Updated on November 29, 2022 by pierre

Get ready “Movember 2014” is coming to Brussels

Every year everywhere in the world, the Movember Foundation invites men around the world to grow a mustache. Throughout the month of November, participating men must grow a mustache and shave his beard. The idea is to educate the general public diseases that affect men such as prostate cancer.

As you will have understood, the term “Movember” comes from the contraction of “Mo”, an abbreviation of MOustache, and noVEMBRE.

The movember foundation was able to make itself known to collect donations and took up the challenge of "changing the face of male health"

If you want to participate, all you have to do is register on the official website of the foundation, ( Once you become a "Mo Bros", all you have to do is let your mustache grow and maintain it throughout throughout November. Please note, no goatee or beard is allowed!


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