The best sites and videos to exercise at home!

The best sites and videos to exercise at home!
Home Sports Video Tutorial (c) Photo Form on Unsplash

Updated on May 27, 2024 by Pierre

What are the best sites and videos to do sports at home in Brussels?

Knowing that the gyms are closed, some will redirect to Netflix and the couch. Others will choose the jogging and running option in the parks. A decision not so easy to make, when we read in the press that the COVID-19 would be transmitted even more easily via the runners who pass next to us… Potentially dangerous therefore, to go and play sports in the parks during this period… We do not yet know how to tell. If you don't want to take any risks, you can very well do sports at home. The Internet is full of tutorials and pretty well done videos to stay fit at home ! Thanks to these online videos, you can get in shape and prepare your body for the summer. As if you were following a live class in a gym!

Did you know, for example, that the Cirque du Soleil puts online free videos to stay in shape? In 8 minutes watch in hand, they show you how to have teens of steel.

For you, we have identified the best videos for working out at home below.


1. CircusFitThe Youtube video tutorials of the cirque du soleil: as muscular as a trapeze artist

Muscular Online Cirque du Soleil Video Tutorial

Who doesn't know Cirque du Soleil? The Quebec artistic entertainment company specializing in contemporary circus. World famous, with these 10 shows and performances around the world! There's one thing you might not know about them… If you want to be as fit as their athletes, they offer links on their website to Youtube videos and tutorials to stay in shape. Follow them training program CircusFit with Cirque du Soleil artists which will guide you through different exercises you can do easily at home. Here, for example, is how to get the abs of a Cirque du Soleil acrobat with these core strengthening exercises… And all this without leaving your home!

2. CONFITMEN by Neoness: Two live sports classes on Instagram every day!

You would rather prefer a free sports lessons live on Instagram? This would allow you to be more diligent. No way to say “I'll do it later” – because it's live? Great! Neoness has the solution for you. Every day, they offer on their instagram account Neoness two live sports classes. This will help you work: Thighs, abs and glutes... Their goal is to help you firm up your figure so you can show off in your swimsuit once the lockdown is over. Easy to integrate into your quotient even for those who work… Their video sports lessons are available from Monday to Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m.. Classes are led by a certified Neoness coach. Ideal against stress and sedentary lifestyle. : to be integrated into the daily schedule to stay healthy in body and mind! So all you have to do is install the Instagram App on your Smartphone, follow the Neoness Instagram account and be there at the time of the meeting.


3.#SportALaMaison: sports videos for the whole family made by Decathlon

Sports at home by Decathlon

Want to exercise at home? Individuals and familiesDecathlon offers you a variety of online sports sessions every day. On their website, Decathlon offers all disciplines. From course to Crossfit, via pilates. And all this, without leaving home and accessible for free. Obviously Decathlon has not forgotten the children. Gthanks to gymnastics or yoga classes for the little ones. Sport, family fun in perspective.
Discover the online program of sports sessions at home on the Decathlon website. 

4. Nintendo RingFitAdventure: Get the Geeks and kids moving

Ring Fit Adventure

Work out at home while having fun with Ring Fit Adventure via the Nintendo Switch! Here's something to get geeks and your kids moving from the couch. Once equipped with the accessories present in the box of the game, you will go on an adventure. Pretty sporty! To advance in the different levels you will have to perform sports movements. Push the Ring-Con and you'll send a shock to your enemies! At the end of each exercise, even measure your heart rate and find out the number of calories burned.




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