Where to take language lessons in Brussels?
Updated March 5, 2023 by Pierre
Our best places to learn a language in Brussels
Language proficiency is a universal passport. More than that, it is a key giving right to several opportunities and opening different doors. It is felt all over the world as in Brussels, the magic city. So, you live in Brussels or were thinking of taking a tour and your desire is to learn languages ? Well, find in this article a set of 5 exceptional places to take language lessons in Brussels. Whether you are looking for an evening or day course, a French ou English intensive, a lesson of Dutch child, or a course foreign free, we give you the best tips to learn.
If all this interests you, take your notebook and plan today the place that will hold your attention.
Top 7 of the best places to take language lessons in Brussels
Mastering the official languages of Brussels has become a challenge or a necessity for you. Read the following carefully and you will certainly find the solution to your request there.
1. Brussels Academy : A school accessible to all types of people
It is an excellent school that works to improve the language level of the population of Brussels. Indeed, you have the possibility of having courses in the following languages:
- Dutch,
- French,
- German,
- and English.
However, you can have them from intensively. This will allow you to acquire a strong intellectual capacity, which would promote a radical improvement in your language level. Moreover, whether you are a civil servant, an entrepreneur or any other, Bxl Academy offers the possibility of taking language learning courses.
All this is beautiful, isn't it? However, one question remains: Now, where to find this exceptional school? It is located at Rue Joseph II, 9-13 – 1000 Brussels. Take a look.
2. international call : the perfect center to improve your level of communication
Welcome to the world of language communication. Thanks to exclusive pedagogy, CALL INTERNATIONAL offers training accelerated that will allow you to quickly achieve your goals and to express yourself easily in the language of your choice.
Compared to Bxl Academy, this center offers you a more diversified choice of languages such as:
In addition, these courses will be offered to you in a classic and more advanced style. This allows households or businesses to have access to these courses regardless of occupation. However, you can also take advantage of your free hours to take these courses with your smartphone or computer. Do this for a short time (20 to 30 min maximum) per day.
Indeed, this will reactivate your level in order to make it more active.
To get to this prestigious school, follow Av. Louise 251, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
3. F9 language in brussels : a serene place for an excellent level of expression online
One of the key places where you can take language lessons in Brussels is F9 LANGUAGE IN BRUSSELS. Indeed, this school offers courses in 7 different languages, namely:
- Dutch,
- English,
- French,
- Spanish,
- German,
- Italian
- and Portuguese.
More than 20 qualified teachers provide lessons to more than 750 learners online. You will also have the possibility of having personalized courses, that is to say home lessons at home.
They not only help in a private way, they can also lead a group of people or a muni-private company. Do not hesitate to contact this school in order to perfect or improve your level of foreign languages.
Where to find this school? Avenue Louise 120, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium.
4. CERAN Brussels : the perfect center for receiving language lessons
This team organizes intensive language courses and intercultural courses for professional and private adult clients. They offer courses in the following languages:
- French,
- English,
- Dutch,
- German,
- Arab,
- Chinese,
- Spanish,
- Italian
- Japanese,
- Portuguese,
- and Russian.
With more than 2000 courses organized each year, the CERAN group is the specialist in intensive language training. It also offers flexible formulas and for all kinds of measurements.
Find this school at Rue Ravenstein, 4 – 1000 Brussels.
5. Language Studies International : the dream school to learn the official languages of Brussels
One of the specialized schools that can help you improve your language level is Languages Studies International. They provide courses in foreign languages such as:
- English,
- French,
- Dutch,
- Spanish,
- German,
- Italian
- and Portuguese.
With this centre, you are sure to improve your language level very quickly.
Located in Rue de l'Industrie 40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium this center has the power to offer you all kinds of opportunities.
Plus, classes are taught by certified teachers who are responsible for giving you the maximum you need.
6. Circle of Dutch, free Dutch lessons in Brussels
Are you looking for lessons in Dutch free in Brussels? Note that if you are a jobseeker and hired by an employer via Actiris, you meet the conditions and are then entitled to 40 hours of lessons. This will help you to improve your knowledge of Dutch or English. This is financed via language vouchers.
7. BRULINGUA, a free platform for learning languages online
There are quite a few apps and websites for learning languages online. If you are looking for a free quality platform. You can steer towards BRULIGUA. If you meet the conditions: be a jobseeker registered with Actiris, you will then have free access to this online language course platform. The platform is well designed and has different levels in French, Dutch, English as well as German.
What to do now ?
Now you have a much clearer and more precise knowledge of where to take language courses in Brussels.
It is then time to make your choice according to your niche. Soon speaking languages will no longer be a concern for you.
Barely a foot in the Belgian capital, Pierre launched “InsideBrussels.be” more than 10 years ago, the idea is simple: “What to do? Where to go to eat or have a drink? “. Entrepreneur at heart, this is not his first project! Far from there. EatLocal.io; KingCard.be, Bricabrac.be … Like wine, with time the project improves!
Pierre does not hesitate to share his favorites and his best addresses of Brussels restaurants that he could recommend to you with his eyes closed.