
Neighbors Day May 26, 2023

Buildings in Celebration ASBL

Neighbors Day May 26, 2023

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A party between neighbors in Brussels

Do you know your neighbours? It is sometimes difficult if you are in Brussels. Some Brussels residents live in a street for years without ever meeting or even talking to their neighbours. Sometimes the same goes for a next-door neighbor you don't know.

If you are looking for an opportunity to meet people in your neighborhood do not search anymore! Neighbors Day 2023 is coming to Brussels and all over Belgium May 26, 2023.

If you have never participated, do not miss this edition. This year, the Fête des Voisins celebrates its 20th anniversary in Belgium ! Today's party is not the same as 20 years ago. Over the years, the Fête des Voisins has evolved. 20 years of existence means 20 years of sharing! Bring your good mood, the aperitif and your feeling of conviviality, you don't need more to participate.

A user-friendly concept

If we had to sum up the concept of Neighbors Day in 3 words it would be: friendliness, solidarity and partage. The concept is so popular that this neighbors party is now celebrated in many cities around the world.
The opportunity to break anonymity and meet your neighbors to develop conviviality will soon arise. Come give a sense of belonging to your neighborhood and discover the common solidarity values ​​during a day or an evening.

Where and when will the Neighbors Day take place?

If you live outside Brussels, know that there is probably a neighbours' party near you. Indeed, the neighbours' day extends over the whole of Belgian territory. See you on May 26, 2023.

What can we do at the neighbors party?


Neighbors Day 2023
Neighbors Day 2023

The Neighbors Day 2023 in Brussels will be organized in the different districts of the city of Brussels. Depending on the organisers, each district will be able to offer its own activities. On the program, participatory meals, music and concerts, games etc. The ultimate goal sought by the organizers: to strengthen the links between the inhabitants and to encourage the emergence of collective projects to improve their living environment.

The organizers can plan animations, games to meal et participatory aperitifs to allow neighbors to get to know each other better. The objective is to create a warm and relaxed atmosphere to encourage exchanges between participants. Many wonder what can be done at the neighbors party? It's simple and user-friendly! Meet around a drink and good food, all the reasons are good to get together and share special moments with your neighborhood neighbours.

In Brussels, for the 2023 edition, the chosen theme is environmental protection. The organizers therefore emphasize eco-responsible behavior. Let's think together about solutions to reduce their carbon footprint.

Neighbors Day 2023 in Brussels promises to be a friendly and supportive moment. By bringing together the inhabitants around a strong theme, this event will allow you to create lasting bonds with your neighborhood neighbors. We hope that this edition will be a success and will inspire other similar initiatives in Brussels and elsewhere in the world.

To know more about the neighbours' day

To register for this event, please go to the following URL: https://lafetedesvoisins.be/ →


Date and hour

2023-05-26 à



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