
Culinaria 2015 at Tour and Taxi

Updated on December 10, 2022 by Pierre

Culinaria 2015 at Tour et Taxi (Brussels)

Once again this year Culinaria is giving back to Tour et Taxis. In 7 years, the event has become an unmissable event for gourmets and enthusiasts of culinary experiences. If it is not yet on your agenda between May 6 and May 10, 2015, it could nevertheless be of great interest to you.

For its 7th edition, the Culinaria 2015 team brought together 38 chefs finely selected for their culinary talent. We will find among the best chefs in the country: BART DE POOTER (Chef of the restaurant Pastorale **), CLÉMENT PETITJEAN (Chef of the restaurant La Grappe d'Or *), JEAN-PHILIPPE WATTEYNE (Chef of the restaurant iCook). These, in front of your mouths in search of sensations, will prepare part of your menu.

Every day, visitors will have the possibility to choose between two menus related to the theme of the event: “the belgian effect”..

Culinaria is not limited to a simple dinner. In fact, you can complete the experience by participating in various culinary workshops organized during the evening. The themes of the workshops will obviously revolve around the theme of cooking, demonstrations and meetings with professionals or partner brands of the event.

If you are passionate about cooking, you can go home with artisanal products and prolong the pleasure by going through the gourmet market.

For more information, see Culinary's website.

Note book your agenda now!

Culinaria competition, win your free VIP entries

InsideBrussels offers you the opportunity to win VIP seats for Culinaria Square. Take part here in the Culinaria 2015 competition.

Discover the video of a Culinaria 2014 edition

Address Culinaria 2015

Tours & Taxis.
Harbor Avenue 86c
1000 Brussels

Culinary dates 2015

Wednesday May 6: 19 p.m. – 23 p.m.
Thursday May 7: 19 p.m. – 23 p.m.
Friday May 8: 12 p.m. – 16 p.m. & 19 p.m. – 23 p.m.
Saturday May 9: 19 p.m. – 23 p.m.
Sunday May 10: 12 p.m. – 17 p.m.

Chefs Present at Culinaria 2015

ALEX JOSEPH Chef of the restaurant Rouge Tomate
AXEL COLONNA-CESARI Chef of the restaurant Centpourcent
BART FROM POOTER Pastoral Restaurant Chef
BENOIT DEWITTE Restaurant Chef Bernard & Benoit Dewitte
BROES TAVERNIER Chef of the restaurant 't Vijfde Seizoen
carl GILLAIN Chef of the restaurant L'Agathopède
CHRISTOPHE PAULY Chef of the restaurant Le Coq aux Champs
CLEMENT SMALL JEAN Chef of the restaurant La Grappe d'Or
DAMIEN BOUCHERY & BENEDICTE BANTUELLE Chef(s) of the Bouchery restaurant
DARIO PUGLIA restaurant manager
Gist DIMITRY LYSENS Chef of the restaurant Magis
ERIC MARTIN Chef of the restaurant Lemonnier
GERT OF EAT Chef of the restaurant Hertog Jan
GILLES JOY Restaurant manager Marcus
JOHN BRUNO Chef of the Senzanome restaurant
JEAN PHILIPPE DARCIS Darcis pastry chef
JEAN PHILIPPE WATTEYNE iCook restaurant chef
JOOST ARJS Pastry chef at Joost Arijs
JULIEN BURLAT Chef of the Dome restaurant
TOMOYASU KAMO Kamo Restaurant Chef
HYOGO DESRAMAULT Restaurant manager In De Wulf
LAURY ZIOUI Chef of the restaurant L'Eveil des Sens
Lionel RIGOLET Chef of the restaurant Like at home
MARC DUCOBU Ducobu Pastry Chef
MARIO ELIAS Chef of the restaurant Le Cor de Chasse
MARTIN VOLKAERTS Chef of the restaurant L'Amandier
OLIVIER MASSARD Chef of the restaurant Ô de Vie
PASCAL DEVALKENEER Chef of the restaurant Le Chalet de la Forêt
PIERRE CIAMPI Chef of the restaurant La Garrigue
PIERRE MARCOLINI House pastry chef
BLOOD HOON DEGEIMBRE Chef of the restaurant L'Air du Temps
STEFAN JACOBS Chef of the Va Doux Vent restaurant
THOMAS TRUPIN AND MARIE-CHARLOTTE PORTOIS Chef(s) of the restaurant La Menuiserie
TOM VAN LOOCK Pastry chef at Patisserie Academie
VILHJALMUR SIGURDARSON Chef of the Souvenir Restaurant
YVES MATTAGNE Sea Grill Restaurant Chef

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